Unverified Commit 56215e61 authored by He Wang's avatar He Wang Committed by GitHub

Update README.md

parent ae44ba26
# 引力波数据探索:编程与分析实战训练营
# Gravitational Wave Data Exploration: A Practical Training in Programming and Analysis
> Under construction...
Welcome to the GitHub repository for the Gravitational Wave Data Exploration Bootcamp Series!
This course is meticulously designed to provide a solid foundation in programming, operational knowledge, and data-driven modeling skills centered around gravitational wave data analysis and research.
<img src="logo-taiji.jpg" style="width:20%;height:auto;">
## Training Objectives
- Equip participants with robust programming and operational skills, and foundational training in data-driven modeling, focusing on gravitational wave data analysis and related research areas.
- **Note: The course is conducted entirely in Mandarin Chinese to cater to a wide range of Chinese-speaking students and researchers.**
......@@ -55,11 +55,6 @@ This course is meticulously designed to provide a solid foundation in programmin
- Hands-On: Identifying Gravitational Waves from Binary Black Hole Systems using CNN
- Frontiers of Gravitational Wave Data Analysis and AI
## Collaborating Institutions
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)
- International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific (ICTP-AP)
- Taiji Laboratory for Gravitational Wave Universe
## Getting Started
To participate in this course:
......@@ -82,7 +77,18 @@ We look forward to your participation and contribution to this exciting field of
We welcome contributions to enhance course materials. Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
## Collaborating Institutions
- [University of Chinese Academy of Sciences](http://english.ucas.ac.cn/) (UCAS)
<img src="logo-ucas.png" style="width:30%;height:auto;">
- [International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific](https://ictp-ap.org/) (ICTP-AP)
<img src="logo-ictp-ap.png" style="width:30%;height:auto;">
- [Taiji Laboratory for Gravitational Wave Universe](https://ictp-ap.org/page/taiji-laboratory)
<img src="logo-taiji-lab.png" style="width:20%;height:auto;">
## License
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